If you are a cyclist, triathlete, or runner, you’ve likely suffered the dreaded bonk before. It’s not fun. One second you are crushing it, and a minute later, the lights are out. It’s no secret that high performance endurance athletics require loads of carbs. But how much do you really need? And how the heck […]
Coaches on Couches Ep 105 – U23 Cyclocross National Champ Scott Funston
After weeks of Coach BFun stalking him via social media, we finally got a chance to sit down and chat with the fastest Funston on 2 wheels. Scott Funston (no relation) was a lot of fun to chat with and we got to talk a little about his break out season and his preparation for […]
Coaches on Couches Ep. 104 – Should I Train By Time or Distance?
The age old debate. Should I train with distance or with time? Through the lens of a time crunched athlete, we think this is a pretty open and shut case. But…there are some instances where the contrary may be more beneficial for specific athletes, regardless of how much time you have to train each week. […]
Coaches on Couches Ep. 103 – The Tale of Jay and the Giant Triathlon
When we make the decision to take on something epic like a half or full ironman, or even our very first triathlon, or some nonsense like taking on a half or full ironman as our first triathlon, the next decision generally starts with “oh sh!^, where do I start!?” In this episode we talk with […]
Coaches on Couches Ep. 102 – Are Fitness Metrics Wrecking Your Fitness?
Fitness, Form, and Fatigue, oh my! With all the ways to measure performance in this day and age, are cyclists, runners, and triathletes focused way too much on achieving an arbitrary fitness number? Does a high fitness number equate to great performances? What the heck do those numbers mean anyways? Yeah, there’s a lot to […]