Dynamic Bike Fitting
Fact: The SINGLE BIGGEST IMPROVEMENT you can make on speed, performance, and comfort is NOT your tires, your wheels, your helmet, or your kit.
It’s your bike fit.
There’s a good chance you happened upon this page because you fall into one or more of the following categories:
- You are suffering from a bike related injury or pain that you want fixed.
- You want to make sure you are maximizing speed and power.
- You feel fine on the bike, but want the confidence in knowing you’re in your ideal riding position.
Well, the good news is we’ve got you covered and you’re not alone.
Before we continue…
Are you simply looking to make sure you get the right size bike first? Check out our Bike Sizing Service
Looking at getting a new bike, but love the position on your present rig? The New Bike Consult is for you.
Looking at getting a new bike, and want to optimize your rig BEFORE you buy? Book a Pre-Purchase Fitting.
Already have the bike you want to get fit on? Great. You’re in the right place.
You can have the fastest bike in the world, but if it’s not optimized for you, you’re LOSING a whole lot of potential speed.
On the same hand, if you are uncomfortable and can’t hold a position, you’ll never optimize your outputs, let alone enjoy riding your bike. We aim for comfort first while optimizing your FULL pedal stroke. Lastly, we will optimize aerodynamics based on equipment and event durations. Comfortable is faster for most people!
Comfort issues?
Being in pain, going numb, and uncomfortable IS NOT normal! That’s a huge indication that you need some tweaks to that steed of yours.
Saying to yourself, “I’m new to this and not fast enough for a bike fit” is
nonsense! Everyone deserves to be comfortable on their bike. And you deserve to maximize that power your working to improve.
Start off with a PROPER fit and make sure you’re getting everything out of your body that you can.
Our fit sessions includes:
- Off the bike sit bone measurement, body assessment, and rider goal assessment.
- Shoe sizing and cleat positioning
- On the bike dynamic video fitting (we measure while you are moving)
- Option for adding motion analysis and saddle pressure mapping
- Option to install custom G8 Performance Insoles at a discounted price
So how long does this process take?
Typically you’ll be in and out in about 90 minutes for a road bike, or 90-120 minutes for a triathlon or time trial bike. Unless of course you’re in need of a bunch of adjustments. Or, your bike contains rusted out bolts that make adjustments tricky. Or you really like to chat.

So how do you book?
Simply go to the scheduling section on this page and find a day and time that work for you!
Want to know what’s even better?
The fit is not final when you go out the door. We encourage all of our athletes to get in a few rides, including their long ride, with the new fit. If for any reason you are not comfortable in the first 30 days, we will rework the fit for free.*
*Pending you’ve made no adjustments or changes to the equipment on the bike. This would require a new fitting session.
- Road Bike - $249
- Tri or TT Bike - $299
- Premium Fit Utilizing Motion Analysis and Saddle Pressure Mapping - $329
- FitMax - $600 (Premium fit with a full strength and mobility assessment, install G8 2620 insoles, pedal stroke analysis, and an extended adjustment period)
- FitMax Hydro - $700 (FitMax session plus a Precision Hydration sweat analysis with customized hydration plan. Our most comprehensive session)
- Pre-Purchase Fitting Package - $429 (includes pre and post purchase sessions)
- Multiple Bikes - Full price for the first bike, $150 for the second bike (up to 2 hours)
- Second Look after Adjustment Period - $150
Book Your Fitting Today