Triathletes, this is the one you’ve all been waiting for. No better place to get your course recon than from a couple of shlubs that ride and run the course on the weekly. You can listen to the out of towners who used Google earth to spot some key landmarks, but GPS mapping software generally sucks at elevation and we know these routes like the back of our hands. And we have veiny hands.
So let’s break down the Ironman Memphis 70.3 course and prepare you mentally for what’s to come this October in the great city of Memphis, TN. Pandemic be damned!
Shout Outs
Everyone who has been training hard with no races
We know the IM bike and run course maps provided generally leave a lot to be desired…so, we went ahead and created much more racer friendly maps below.
Heads up – we’ve also got an Ironman Memphis 70.3 Training Group and we’ll be doing course previews IN PERSON. You can click here for more info on the group – there’s still time to join!
Bike Course:
Run Course: