In this episode, the coaches chat about the purpose and importance of the double peak method of training and the mid season transition.

It’s nearly impossible to hold good fitness for an entire season, which for some can be February to November! It’s also nearly impossible to stay uber motivated for months on end. Enter the double peak format! Even if you don’t have “goal races” a double peak training plan has been shown to produce better results over time. And guess what? We are in that very time of year (early summer) when a lot of our athletes are taking that mental and physical break from training so it’s all fresh on our minds.

So if you struggling with motivation or fitness plateaus, or you just like the term “double peak”, join us for another episode of #coachesoncouches

This Week’s Shout Outs:
Wayne Ogorzalek
Todd Perkins
Ironman Tulsa
Heather Nichols
Greg Rohde
Leigh Ruston
Adam Firrone
Kirsten Sass
Matt Joiner and Mark Yoshida of Rockabilly Gran Prix

New Segment! What the What!? (Things that confuse us right now in the endurance world)


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