As long time cycling, running, and triathlon coaches, there are a lot of words and phrases we throw around on a day to day basis. “Going blocks” is a good example of a term that turns heads like a confused puppy. To be honest, we don’t even think about the misinterpretations or political correctness when […]
Coaches on Couches Ep. 70 – Adapting Endurance Training Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic
Gyms and pools are closed, races have been canceled, and most people are stuck inside. We’ve spent the last 2 weeks adapting the training of our cyclists, runners, and triathletes to better suit the present “normal” during the efforts to control the coronavirus outbreak. So we figured in this episode we would break down those […]
Coaches on Couches Ep. 69 – What To Do If Your Goal Race Gets Canceled
With events being canceled all over the world due to the coronavirus pandemic, we figured we would offer up some tips and “coping mechanisms” for how to deal with your grief and loss. More so how to simply make lemonade out of lemons. So if your season has been affected by COVID-19, wash your hands, […]
Coaches on Couches Ep. 68 – Kirsten Sass – Multi Time National and World Champion Triathlete
In this episode we’ve got our good buddy Kirsten Sass (aka the smiling assassin, aka the Sassinator) on the couch….finally. Kirsten has won just about every championship there is in multisport and is now focusing her efforts on helping visually impaired athlete Amy Dixon qualify for a spot in the 2020 Paralympics in Tokyo. We […]
Coaches on Couches Ep. 67 – Finding Your Ideal Diet For Optimizing Performance
Simply put, there is an insane amount of conflicting information out there in the world of nutrition right now. The confusion is multiplied for cyclist, runners, and triathletes that think they are already doing a pretty good job with their day to day nutrition. Plant based? Ketogenic? Vegetarian? Whole 30? Beach Body? Kangatarian? WTF!? It’s […]