Let’s face it. It’s getting hot as hell outside and a lot of us are also training indoors more. Both scenarios bring on lots of that salty liquid we know as sweat. So we are tasking the tough hydration questions to our buddy Andy from Precision Hydration (a fellow salty sweater) so that all […]
Coaches on Couches Ep. 75 – Ironman Memphis 70.3 Course Rundown
Triathletes, this is the one you’ve all been waiting for. No better place to get your course recon than from a couple of shlubs that ride and run the course on the weekly. You can listen to the out of towners who used Google earth to spot some key landmarks, but GPS mapping software generally […]
Coaches on Couches Ep. 74 – Why We Hate ERG Mode For Indoor Cycling
In this sprint episode we spark a revolt against the use of ERG mode when cycling indoors. If you don’t know what ERG mode is, this one may not be for you. But if you are a cyclist or triathlete and spend a reasonable amount of time riding on a smart trainer, we’re going to […]
Coaches on Couches Ep. 73 – Sprint – The Keys to Properly Pacing A Max Mile Effort
With no races to be had right now, we have a lot of our runners and triathletes doing max mile assessments right now to gage progress in their training. In this sprint episode of Coaches on Couches we talk with our good buddy and coach Nick Dwyer on the keys to properly pacing a mile […]
Coaches on Couches Ep. 72 – Sprint – The Why’s and How’s of Sweat Rate Testing
In endurance sports, proper hydration can make or break your performance on any given day or consecutive days. So in this inaugural SPRINT episode, we talk about the importance and methods behind proper sweat rate testing for cyclists, runners, and triathletes. We just do it in less than 15 minutes. If you enjoy these short […]