Today on the couch we will be laying out a road map for all of you newbie triathletes who have decided to jump into a half iron triathlon in your first season. Go big or go home right? Some questions answered: What exactly are you getting into? How much time you are looking at training […]
Coaches on Couches Ep.85 – Finding the Right Bike For You With Chad Terry
Newbie cyclists and triathletes! This one is for you. In this episode we chat with our buddy Chad Terry from our local bike shop Bikes Plus about how to pick the right bike for you. Chad has been in the bike industry since he was 14. With that kind of experience, we had to talk […]
Coaches on Couches Ep. 84 – Oura Ring 3 Month Review
If you’ve been curious about the Oura Ring, this episode is for you! Coach D and Coach B-fun have been using the Oura Rings for a little over 3 months now and they’ve got a great list of pros and cons with the this fancy wearable gadget. They cover: – What is the Oura Ring? […]
Coaches on Couches Ep. 83 – Developing Speed in Young Athletes
In this stint on the couch we introduce you to a new slouch, and BPC coach Aaron Persinger. Aaron has a masters degree from the U of M in health and human performance and he was a 4 year letterman on the U of M track team as a hurdles specialist. He’s recently been […]
Coaches on Couches Ep. 82 – Why You Should Learn to Love the Trainer
Let’s face it, none of us got into cycling to be inside all the time. The freedom to roam, the fresh air, and getting some vitamin D…all keys to not flipping tables and going postal. But realistically, there are a lot of things that can prevent us from riding outside. We know a lot of […]