If there is one major barrier of entry into triathlon, it’s swimming. And more specifically, swimming in the open water. Even really experienced triathletes can have some anxiety in the open water. So today we are talking to Tim Linn of Family First Tri, a long time competitive swim coach, pro level triathlete, and one […]
Coaches on Couches Ep. 90 – Picking the Right Triathlon Bike
You’re ready for a new tri rig, but which one should you get? What size should you get? Disc brakes or rim brakes? Fully integrated super bike or one that uses standard parts? What about bar adjustability? Wah wah wah wah….analysis paralysis. It can get pretty overwhelming, but even though we don’t directly sell bikes, […]
Coaches on Couches Ep. 89 – Skills Pay The Bills
In any sport, there are sets of skills you need to posses so that you can perform at your highest level. Let’s face it, no one ever got to the elite level of curling without having some serious brooming skills. So today we are going to talk about all those lonely skills you’ve been ignoring, […]
Coaches on Couches Ep. 88 – Bike Fitting Series – Fixing Knee Pain
Got knee pain? Coach D has been fitting bikes professionally for over a decade, and has seen just about everything in regards to knee pain causation. We can’t always blame the fit for knee pain, but in this episode we dive into several possible causes, and the position changes you can make on your bike […]
Coaches on Couches Ep. 87 – It’s All Speed Work!
The truth is we hate the term speed work. Mainly because it’s a broad term for multiple styles of training, all of which have their own purpose. And while we are at it, all speed work IS NOT fast! And it doesn’t have to involve intervals that make you want to hurl. So today on […]